Hi! I’m Amanda

I’m an SEO consultant and writer based in Sydney, Australia. I’ve been in the industry longer than I care to admit (because it makes me feel old when I ignore double-digit highschool reunion invites). I’ve worked with some amazing people (and shared more than a few beers with other really cool folks at various conferences and events) and helped many a client get where they wanted to be on the Interwebz.

I’ve lived in China, currently live in Australia and been to over 30 countries.

Shameless plug – if you’re like me and you enjoy fully cataloguing your emotions – check out my crass stationery merch.

I’ve worked with some of the smartest minds in the SEO industry in the US and globally (no joke).

I know HTML, CSS, can manage JavaScript and jQuery and know how to ask the right questions about modern frameworks and libraries like React, Vue and Angular. I’m business-led and will teach you my strategy rather than string you along with tactical execution work. I’m a data nerd and live in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. People who talk about keywords make me rageful and want to flip desks.

Integrated channel marketing strategies for the win.

Get in touch if you’re intrigued.

Where are you based?

I’m based in Sydney, Australia.

Will you work with me? My company is outside of Australia.

Absolutely, SEO consulting is a location-independent service — I also have experience working directly in the US market and have worked with national and international businesses based in Australia, so I have a broad range of experience. (While there may be some considerations with timezones, I’m sure we could work something out).

What do you do for fun?

I’m a relatively creative person – so it’s often travel when I can afford it, photography, writing, reading, or making creative merch for other folks to enjoy, too. Do with that what you will – sometimes there’s video games in there, too.